Discovering Spiritual Truths & Celebrating God's Grace in the Every Day Happenings of Life.
It took me close to 90 minutes to get to church yesterday. My drive is normally 25 minutes, not bad at all as it gives me enough time to enjoy some music or sports talk radio. This past Tuesday, however, pushed my patience and sanity to the max. As soon as my CRV hit Route 80, the traffic stopped, often to a complete standstill. Other than two police officers that drove by, seemingly in no real hurry, there were no visible reasons as to what was causing the stoppage. The traffic could not be avoided either, despite how much the fools that drove on the shoulder may have thought. Every lane crawled at a snail’s pace and every exit was congested, offering no reprieve to weary drivers.
Stuck. Frustrated. Running out of patience. Have you been here before? On the road or in life? We all go through periods when we feel like we are stuck in a rut. It can seem like you are stuck in traffic, going through the motions, or treading water. You do the things you need to do each day; but it doesn’t seem like you are actually getting anywhere or making much of a difference. One of the sessions that took place during the youth gathering encouraged listeners to get out of the rut. Sure, there will always be days when we are delayed, bored, or trapped. But, unlike my experience on the highway this morning, we are never outside the presence and plan of God. Such moments of “life traffic” can bring us to a place where we can either turn to unhealthy habits to pass the time away or we can dial up the God who is “in all things” to see what He might be leading us to do. During the times of life when we are stuck and lacking any sort of forward motion, God is still in charge and He still has plans and a purpose for us. No place and no one is an accident. He designed each and every one of us to be here so that we can carry out His work and reach the people around us. When we learn to trust God’s perspective, and see the pattern of how He has dealt with His people throughout history and scripture, we know what every moment is ordained and planned. God strategically allows us to be in situations that help us trust Him more and take our next steps with Him we wouldn’t otherwise take. Some traffic patterns, contentious authority figures, long waits at the doctor’s office, or difficult seasons we’re in may be the very things that draw us closer to God. Instead of blowing a gasket and losing our cool; we allow these times to be spiritually formative. Go back to the Lord in prayer. Be uplifted by music and worship on the radio. Take an extra few moments to read a devotion. We may learn something that prepares us for something upcoming or simply grounds us in love and perspective of true faith. Though we’re in less than ideal places, God will help us grow. “God has posted his traffic signs everywhere we look. In the universe, in Scripture, even within our own hearts. Yet we persist in disregarding his directions. But God does not give us what we deserve. He has drenched his world in grace. It has no end. It knows no limits.” (Max Lucado)
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