Discovering Spiritual Truths & Celebrating God's Grace in the Every Day Happenings of Life.
This is my wife’s favorite season. One of mine also. Although it doesn’t officially begin until September 22nd, it certainly feels like fall. The temperatures have cooled down quite a bit. The scents of autumn are occasionally distinguished in the fresh breeze. People have traded in their swimsuits for sweatshirts. College football has already begun (Go Badgers!) and the start of the NFL season is just hours away. We’ve seen our kids and grandkids go back to school. There’s more traffic on the roads as adults head back into the office. Apple-scented candles have started to burn. On my walks around the neighborhood, I’ve seen many fall-colored mums planted and other fall décor displayed. There is pumpkin spice everything no matter what type of store you go into. Happy Fall Y’all! I don’t recall where or when I heard it recently, but the phrase “Fall is a Great Time to Return” has stuck with me. Perhaps it was in one of the many emails from my kid’s school district or it was in a commercial tempting people to come back to the gym. Either way, schools and businesses alike are eager to welcome back those who have been otherwise gone during these summer months or prolonged pandemic quarantine. Add our church to that list. Fall is a great time to return to King of Kings. I’m eager to welcome you back. Come for worship; stick around adult Bible study and Sunday School. Our attendance has certainly nosedived a bit over the summer months; this is normal for just about every church. But as we all settle back into the work/school routine, I’m hopeful to see so many of you back again. Yet even as we search for a regular routine, two things remain the same. First, our lives are just as busy as ever before. Summer sun-filled activities are quickly replaced by soccer games or football practices, schoolwork, and household chores. There is no restful peace to be found. No matter the time of year, we’re always on the go.
The second thing that never changes is our need for God’s strength and grace in Jesus. “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.” (Psalm 1:1-2) These words of the psalmist give a life-giving prescription and important perspective—we need to be seeking counsel in the Lord and spending time in His word. Regularly. Daily. Intentionally. Thus, the yearning to have you all return to church. Why? Because our church is better when we’re together. And the more that gather, the better. To be sure, God is present regardless of our pew-sitting numbers. But it’s been far too long since our church has been filled. It’s time to return, time to come back. Time to gather together and think about how we can impact those around us at work, at home, at play. In Psalm 1, we are told that we are “blessed” when we walk into the house of the Lord and sit in the “congregation of the righteous.” This fall, come regularly to worship. Be fed by the Word of God. Be comforted and challenged by His Word that is read, taught, and preached. Find strength and peace from the body and blood of Jesus found every time we celebrate communion. Be encouraged by fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who pray and sing together. Grow further in wisdom as you engage in different Bible studies. Bring your kids to Sunday School, youth group, or confirmation classes. Grow in old friendships and create new ones as you participate in choir or other fellowship activities. This fall, and every changing season thereafter, we hope to see you return to church because we are in the business of delivering the love and mercy of God. We are a “congregation of the righteous” because the message we share is always about the love and forgiveness of God on display in the great selfless act of our Savior’s cross. We have a beautiful, freeing message to proclaim and we want you here to hear it!
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