Sunday morning service at 9:00 a.m.
Sunday morning service at 9:00 a.m.
- SICKNESS If you feel ill, are more vulnerable to sickness, or are showing symptoms, please stay home and worship online.
- ALTERNATE ATTENDANCE OPTIONS If you are not able to or comfortable being in the pews on a Sunday morning, then you can come to the church parking lot, tune in to 88.9 FM and listen to the worship service live.
- LIVE-STREAM OPTION We do livestream our service every Sunday morning via our church Facebook and YouTube pages. Past sermons are also available via this website.
- MASKS In light of recent mandates by NJ government, you are no longer required to wear masks when indoors. If you are torn, we encourage you to wear the mask during worship for the time being simply for the sake of peace-of-mind and courtesy of your fellow members. Regardless of what you decide to do in regards to wearing a mask, please be respectful of the feelings and comfort level of others. The church is never a place for judgement!
- SANITIZER Hand sanitizer is available at each entrance.
- COMMUNION We offer communion at each service. The process of communion will be outlined in the worship bulletin of the service you attend. If you are worshiping from home, and would like to receive a pastoral visit for communion at home, please contact the church office.
- OFFERING The offering plates will not be passed but are available at the back of the church before or after service if you wish to give in person. If you are not able to attend, we encourage you to mail your offering envelopes to the church office.
- CLOSED ROOMS There will be no access to other parts of the building, other than restrooms. This includes kitchen, fellowship hall, Sunday school classrooms, playground, and all areas of the preschool.
We look forward to seeing you whenever you are ready!